Breast Ultrasound
Ultrasound imaging: Using sound to “see” inside
Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of specific parts of your body. Using a small wand-like device and a special gel, we can direct sound waves to the areas being screened. The sound waves bounce back to the device at different speeds based on the type of tissue the waves meet. The technologist reads the scan as video displayed on the monitor, captures several pictures from the images, then gives them to the radiologist for interpretation. The radiologist will send your doctor a written report within three to four business days. The technologist will not interpret your test for you.
How to prepare for your breast ultrasound
A breast ultrasound may be requested in connection with a mammogram. While the mammogram is still the most accurate method of breast screening, the ultrasound can provide additional information in many situations. There are no special preparation instructions for this exam. Wear a two-piece outfit rather than a dress so that you will only have to change from the waist up. This exam takes about 30 minutes.